As Fijians, we are proud of our ocean and rich resources. But often, unknowingly, we harm our oceans and resources by our daily habits and means to survive. Being aware that some of our habits are harmful for the environment is a step in the right direction.

Community engagement is always key. This is one of the reasons Pacific Grow was established in 2017. They are experts in sustainable, environment friendly and climate smart agriculture technology. Their products are sourced from Israel.

Pacific Grow Founder Guy Jakobi, an Israeli born and bred, started the business after a visit to the Lau Group in 2016.

The visit was inspired by the late Speaker of the Parliament, Dr Jiko Luveni, who hailed from Nukuni Village, Ono-i-Lau.

While the scenery was breathtaking and the people of Lau welcoming, Mr Jakobi said there were problems associated with basic human needs.

These included:

– problems with drinking water – poor nutrition in food

– limited variety of food Mr Jakobi’s report after the visit and several studies later turned into an opportunity to introduce Israeli’s agriculture technologies not only to Fiji but the region.

“I think they have the solution to help Pacific farmers. We not just introducing something for the sell but, we are introducing something which will work and will really make an impact.”

Demos have been conducted across the Pacific about the HomeBiogas product.

Mr Jakobi and his team work with the livestock section of the Ministry of Agriculture.

“They buy about 20 units a year and provide it into livestock farmers in order to mitigate with a waste management of the animals mainly the piggeries,” he said.

“Most of the piggeries are above the creek and when their waste goes into the creek and flows to the ocean, it sits on the corals, kills the fish and causes a lot of damage to the marine ecosystem.

To reverse this cycle, the HomeBiogas product ensures the collection of animal manure.

“It does few things, firstly, waste management not to harm the environment, secondly, cooking gas or renewable energy and thirdly, it’s